If you're looking for value next year, then look no further than overseas editions of Marvel and DC comics.
Let's focus on Spider-Man to begin with.
The equivalent of Amazing Fantasy #15 for Mexican Spider-Man collectors, El Sorpredente Hombre
Arana #128 is the wedding issue between Peter and Gwen.
Yes, Gwen. THAT Gwen. The one who died, then was cloned, then in the future becomes Spider-Woman in Edge of Spider-Verse
In Mexico, there is an entirely separate storyline, all of which are produced with local cover art, making them incredibly special.
But that's not the end of this email. It's really
just the beginning. You see, there are SO MANY foreign language issues of our favorite comics, many of which are virtually unknown, or ignored, by North American collectors.
And this is my #1 tip for the hobby moving forward: overseas editions are going to explode in value.
Tomorrow's email of Christmas will focus on UK price variants.