Sell My Comic Books Newsletter: One Skill You Can't Do Without

Published: Fri, 11/04/16

You Can't Make Money if You Can't Grade Comic Books from the Screen


Are you tired of losing money yet?

It's not easy making money buying and selling comic books.

We all make mistakes.

But are you repeating the same mistakes?

Insanity is repeating the same actions again and again and expecting a different result.​​​​​​​

A Poker Story

Years ago, when poker was cool and new to TV, I wanted to be a professional poker player.

I lost money, night after night.

All the players at my local casino knew I was terrible. They looked happy to see me every time I sat down.

With good reason. I was paying their mortgages!

Eventually, I got tired of being a broke loser. I ordered $300 of "how to win at poker books" from a Las Vegas publisher.

Some were good, some stank.

I read them all. I re-read the good ones. I made notes.

I started to win instead of lose.

You will probably agree that my $300 was well-spent.
What has this poker story got to do with comic books?


While it's fun (but hard work) running a seven-figure comic book business, it wasn't always like this.

When I started in 2012, I had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING.

Everything looked mint to me.

Every time I bought books from dealers, I "knew" I was going to get 9.8, 9.9 and 10.0 grades from CGC, and make loads of money.

In reality, those dealers got to know me, just like the poker pros at my casino.

Those dealers were just as happy to see me as those Texas Holdem players had been.

The dealers knew that I was going to pay their mortgages.

Do you want to be one of the losers who pay an eBay trader's mortgage?

Can I Get a "HELL NO!" Please?
Nobody wants to be a loser.
We all want to be winners.

See, here's the tricky part.

I can send you my newsletters full of great tips on what to buy. What's worth investing in. What you should easily make money on.
But that is no use if you cannot
​​​​​​​grade comic books from the screen.
The bad news: there is no easy way to acquire this skill. You need to learn from an expert.
Do you want to know what an expert looks like?
Sean Goodrich Taught Me Everything I Know About Grading Comic Books

My business partner, Sean Goodrich, with our discovery copies of Action Comics #7 and #13
This is Sean Goodrich. We've been business partners for more than a year. Between us, we've grown the company fast and furious.

We just opened our first office, and hired two full-time staff.

The foundation of our success is making consistently good decisions about what to buy...

...And the foundation of those decisions is:

when we have only seen cellphone pics or scans online, or in an email attachment.
Here's How You Can Consistently Make Money Trading Comic Books...

 Here's how we WANT to operate. Find books to buy at a price which allows us to get them in a CGC holder and make a profit
The above is what we want you to achieve.

Our video course on grading comic books is how you can achieve it.

Our Video Course Will Help You Make Money Consistently

  • More than 100 videos (over FIVE HOURS of lessons)
  • A quiz to see if you're getting it
  • Direct input from Ash at various stages of the lessons
  • Bonus money-making tips
  • A few outtakes and eBay listings you simply won't believe
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the course (take it as many times as you need to)

We charge $97 for this course.

But Comic Book Cash subscribers, can use the Promo Code COMICBOOKCASH to save 40 percent.

It won't take you long to discover how easy it is to spot the mistakes you're already making...

...and how simple it is to stop making them, and start making money instead.

All from the comfort of your chair.

STOP losing money on eBay mistakes. START making profits.

Just ONE good buy (or saving yourself from one BAD one) will more than pay for this unique video course.

Ashley Cotter-Cairns
We'll Make You Smile THIS Big!


Ashley Cotter-Cairns