RARE FINDS: Top Ten Books We NEVER See in Collections | Sell My Comic Books

Published: Fri, 08/04/17

Top Ten Books We NEVER See in Collections (and We See LOTS of Collections)


Here at Sell My Comic Books, we typically spend between $30,000 and $60,000 per month on vintage comic book collections.

Thousands of comic books come into the office every week. (Have you seen our awesome YouTube Unboxing videos?)

We thought it would be interesting to highlight the Top Ten books we NEVER see in collections... including not only all the ones we buy, but all the thousands of lists I check out and reject!

Click on any image to search for them on eBay (good luck with that!).

10) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 "Laird's Photo" Variant
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 "Laird's Photo" Variant

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 "Laird's Photo" Variant

RARE NYCC Variant, only 80 in CGC Census

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9) Star Wars #4 35 Cent Price Variant
8) Batman #121
7) Action Comics #242
6) Journey into Mystery #83
Journey into Mystery #83, 1st Thor. Rarer than most other Marvel keys

Journey into Mystery #83, 1st Thor

1183 in CGC Census

Much scarcer than even Incredible Hulk #1.
​​​​​​​We see WAY less of JIM #83 than other Marvel mega-keys.

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5) Night Nurse #1
Night Nurse #1, 1st Linda Carter in the Bronze Age

Night Nurse #1, 1st Linda Carter in the Bronze Age

173 in CGC Census

Demand driven by Netflix show appearances.

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4) Albedo #2 (1st Yusagi Yojimbo)
Albedo #2 (1st Yusagi Yojimbo)

Albedo #2 (1st Yusagi Yojimbo)

114 in CGC Census

Truly a scarce indie comic from 1984.

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3) Cerebus the Aardvark #1
Cerebus the Aardvark #1

Cerebus the Aardvark #1

161 in CGC Census

Truly a scarce indie comic from the 1970s.

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2) Adventure Comics #247, 1st Legion of Super-Heroes
1) Showcase #4, 1st Flash in the Silver Age (Barry Allen)
Got Any of These Books? Get In Touch!
Have one of the books shown above? We're buying!
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Ashley Cotter-Cairns