We've hosted webinars before, but never a YouTube Live event.
Given the pandemic and our stay at home orders, we have time to try new things -- so why not!
Apologies for personal grooming. As of April 17th when we scheduled this, there are no hair stylists open for business for more than five weeks here.
The event is FREE to join. Given that we have never hosted on YouTube before, some of the bullet points below might not be correct(!):
- You will need a YouTube account to join the event (100 percent)
- You will have to subscribe to our channel to join the event (I'm 60/40 on this one -- there seems to be a subscribe option, but I cannot test this because I am part of the channel)
- SuperChat is an optional tool to pin your question to the top of the chat. This is a paid (donation when used) option, and I have neither used it as a consumer, nor offered it, so I have NO CLUE how it works (or if it works!)
- Event date: April 29th, 5PM EST